Discover the next generation of mental health tools

Become an Applied Memory Reconsolidation™ Practitioner

What if breakthroughs were a daily thing in your practice?

Transform your career and explore the exciting possibilities of Applied Memory Reconsolidation™. Level up your work as a practitioner, or discover a new potentially life-changing career.

How this approach to neuroplastic healing is different?

Not all approaches to rewiring the brain for optimal health are able to address the drivers of limbic and autonomic dysregulation.

Most approaches try to teach you how to build new neural networking for feeling good and safe by repetitively practicing feeling good and safe.  It is true that the brain learns through repetition, but it’s more complicated than that if trauma is involved. 

When our brain is holding a lot of data from our past experiences and beliefs about why we’re not safe or can’t feel good, taking that approach is like trying to swim upstream. Without changing our brain’s survival patterning, we have to fight against our own neurology, which is going to do everything in its power to override our conscious efforts because it believes that is necessary in order to protect us!

Applied Memory Reconsolidation™ coaching helps people with nervous system dysregulation and poor health to rewire these stressful memories, beliefs, and conditioned stress reactions — to fundamentally change the drivers of limbic and autonomic dysregulation.


Remarkable results

Applied Memory Reconsolidation™ has helped…


From suicidal, anxious, depressed, and 100 pounds overweight to vibrant health and landing her dream job.


From average 7/10 pain level to 2/10 in 1 month


From 70 years of constant anxiety, depression, and a decade of OCD symptoms to having a consistently calm, happy brain in 6 months


From so much health anxiety that she was constantly sensing her heartbeat and having panic attacks about it to no more panic attacks and she no longer thinks about or feels her heartbeat in 2 months


From 6 years of multiple chemical sensitivities, a lifetime of trauma and anxiety, to being able to smell anything without reacting and the trauma no longer affecting her


From having a Costco phobia to being able to shop there with no issue in 5 minutes!

What is Applied Memory Reconsolidation™ (AMR) and why should I get trained in it?

We can’t change the past, but we can change how it affects us with the incredible mechanism of memory reconsolidation.

When you have had experiences that the body perceived as a threat. That memory and all the information connected to it gets tagged in the brain as important survival information. Any time your brain sees anything like that, literally or figuratively, it will kick off a stress response to get you ready to survive the event.

So, here is where this gets exciting. Those survival tags, the ones that trigger the body into stress states, can be changed and even completely removed so that all that is left is the learning which can now be integrated into our understanding of the world in a different way. 

It’s like it gets recategorized in the database from survival information with that intensity tag into a completely different category of just something that happened. The experience can become as important as what you ate yesterday or last month. No big deal.

How powerful would this be for you, or for your clients to be able to release the old negative emotions and beliefs from past experiences?

This is the power of Applied Memory Reconsolidation™. 

Who is Applied Memory Reconsolidation™ Practitioner Training for?

The Foundations Course and Advanced Practitioner Trainings are designed for practitioners working in any health and wellness or mental health field

It is also for aspiring coaches who are looking to do important, purposeful work while helping people live healthier, more fulfilling lives

The Applied Memory Reconsolidation™ Practitioner Program will give you more tools and skills in effectively addressing trauma patterns in your work with others. No specific license or profession is required.

Transform your client’s lives with the latest neuroscience.

All the fantastic work you are doing to help will work better when paired with neuroplasticity and nervous system regulation techniques. The longer you and your clients practice these new skills, the better the results get! 

Could you benefit from being more regulated?

The program includes using a wide selection of guided processes as part of a self-regulation practice.

Self-paced to fit any schedule

The trainings are designed to allow you to learn when you have time. Access the recorded content online. There are plenty of opportunities to ask questions and join live calls, so you can get help and complete practice exercises with other participants and coaches.

Mental Health Practitioners

Medical Professionals

Aspiring & Experienced Coaches

Questions? Let’s talk.

Foundations Course for Lasting Nervous System Regulation - Level 1

The Foundations course is designed to give you a thorough understanding of what nervous system dysregulation is, and how it contributes to the development of disease. It also gives you the basics of how memory reconsolidation works, and how this powerful modality can help you to maximize your own health, as well as that of your clients. 

For therapists and experienced coaches, this course can be taken as a stand-alone training to add a powerful new skill set and understanding to your existing practice. 

**Novice coaches need to complete the entire Advanced Practitioner Training to be ready to work with clients.**

Module 1 - Self-Regulation and soaking in a new paradigm

Students will experience using this work for their own nervous system and learn all the material covered in the Wired For Wellness course.

Total time estimated: 60 hours

  • 36 hours - Course videos (23 hours Wired for Wellness Program Course Videos + 13 hours Foundations Course videos/live calls)

  • ** Recommended 20 hours - Guided processes (30 min a day self-regulation guided processes)

  • 1 hour - Extra resources videos

  • 1-2 hours - Quizzes / Worksheets

Module 2 - Foundational practitioner concepts

Learn the major concepts and science behind nervous system regulation and neural retraining so you can understand why the techniques work and inform how to conduct a session.

Total time estimated: 15 hours

  • 12 hours Foundations Course cert videos/live calls

  • 2 hours - Extra resources videos 

  • 1-2 hours - Quizzes / Worksheets

Module 3- Selected techniques

Begin to practice some of the best-performing techniques from several of the most successful brain training processes. Begin to try out these processes with peers with feedback to improve understanding and skill.

Total time estimated: 20 hours

  • 12 hours Foundations Course videos/live calls

  • 2 hours - Extra resources videos 

  • 5 hours - Peer-to-peer practice

  • 1-2 hours - Quizzes / Worksheets

Included in the course:

  • Lifetime access to the Wired for Wellness course and guided processes

  • Lifetime access to the Foundations Course

  • Live training calls (with replays)

  • Structured peer practice of basic techniques

  • Access to 1-on-1 neural retraining sessions (Private sessions are not presently accessible to the public)

  • Bonus: Cureton Method™ naturopathic education course

  • Bonus: Continuing education presentation -The Pain Experience & Pain Therapies

  • Bonus: Continuing education presentation - A revolutionary approach to resolving trauma and stress patterning: The biggest breakthrough in my medical practice

We guarantee you will find value in this robust training or your money back.

If in the first 7 days of the Foundations Course, you aren’t blown away by what you are learning… we require you to ask for your money back.

Applied Memory Reconsolidation™ Training

Advanced Practitioner Training - Level 2

Learn how to run successful sessions and everything you will need to confidently apply the principles of memory reconsolidation that you learned in Foundations to get your clients amazing results. This will be hands-on training with regular practice sessions and ongoing supervision to ensure quality of practice and learning. 

** Must complete the Foundations course before moving on to the Advanced Practitioner Training

Module 4 - Structure of a session

Learn how to conduct a full session. Begin to practice full sessions with peers.

Total time estimated: 25 hours

  • 15 hours Instruction videos/live calls

  • 10 hours - Peer-to-peer practice

Module 5 - Advanced techniques

Deepen your mastery of memory reconsolidation processes.

Total time estimated: 23 hours

  • 12 hours - Instruction videos/live calls

  • 10 hours - Peer-to-peer practice

  • 1-2 hours - Worksheets

Module 6 - Common issues during sessions

Now that you can conduct full sessions, learn how to handle more common issues that can come up during a session.

Total time estimated: 12 hours

  • 12 hours - Instruction videos/live calls

Supervised Case Studies

Case Studies are the capstone of your training. After completing Module 5, you will have the opportunity to fine-tune your skills with real clients. Choose 5 clients to do a pre and post-session interview. Have at least 3 sessions with each client. Sessions will be recorded and can be submitted for review and feedback.

Case Studies will be structured to be powerful success stories for your professional practice marketing.

Included in the course:

  • Lifetime access to the Practitioners Certification Course

  • Live Calls

  • Supervised Case studies to help launch your practice

Want the full training?

Get the best rate for buying the full Advanced Practitioner Training and Foundations Course now.

We guarantee you will find value in our training or your money back.

If in the first 7 days of the Foundations Course, you aren’t blown away by what you are learning… we require you to ask for your money back.

“I learned how to understand, release and repattern my feelings around past experiences. My health has transformed greatly now that I am able to respond to triggers and daily interactions from a more grounded, balanced state.”

Theresa Davis

“Before I started doing brain training, I was a true worry-wart! I worried about any sensation that came up in my body, and it was making me so anxious! Now I know how to soothe myself when I feel things, and my life is a lot more peaceful!”

Racquel Palarca

“I've done therapy on and off for years and this technique is actually getting me results and is way more effective than talk therapy in my opinion. I HIGHLY RECOMMEND it.”

Chelsea V.

Meet the trainers

Dr. Karen Cureton, ND, LAc

Patti Woodworth-Norris

Tamara Wendt

Our collective training and experience 

Collectively we have over a decade of experience in the use of neuroplasticity techniques. We’ve studied polyvagal theory, trauma-informed approaches, internal family systems, and much more in addition to standard brain training. We’ve each worked one-on-one with many private clients using these techniques and approaches to help people get well in that format with tons of great successes!

We’ve helped clients rewire big and little T traumas, change the neural roots of stressful and limiting belief systems, release emotional baggage, and rewire their brains to feel safe and get more of what they want from themselves and in their lives. We’ve distilled the more effective aspects of all of that study and practice into this program, Wired for Wellness. 

On top of that, Patti is a licensed massage therapist with in-depth knowledge of the musculoskeletal system and pain. Dr. Karen Cureton is a licensed naturopathic physician and acupuncturist with many hundreds of cases under her belt. We bring this expertise to the program as well in the form of health education so that our clients really understand what’s happening in their brains and bodies, not just from a biomedical model or a stress/emotion/nervous system model, but actually the integration of the two. We explain it all, so you don’t have to!

This is not therapy and our goal is not for our clients to be dependent on us, but rather to gain the knowledge, skills, and practice necessary in a supportive, guided framework to regain limbic and autonomic balance and therefore their health. This takes time and consistent practice/use, just like practicing a new language as you learn it, and we wish we had had this structure available when we were going through it ourselves. That’s why we’re doing this. Because we know from personal experience and from working with hundreds of clients, that this kind of structure is vital to long-term success.

Get breakthrough results for your clients

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Yes! Practice is an important part of the training. There will be regular practice “Open Sessions” when you can come ask questions and team up with other participants to do your peer-to-peer practice. You can also connect with directly other participants and set up your own practice times.

  • You will be able to facilitate professional Applied Memory Reconsolidation™ sessions with coaching clients.

    Add powerful understanding and tools to your medical and mental health practice.

  • The program is self-paced. You can move through the material as quickly or slowly as you like.

    The first full training course will be available according to a release schedule:

    The Foundations Course material will be fully posted by the end of June 2024.

    The Advanced Practitioner Training will be fully posted by the end of April 2025.

  • The program is self-paced and online:

    • With a mixture of live and recorded course content

    • Live practice sessions

    • Community chat

    Access is easy! You can log in from your phone, tablet, or computer.

    Streaming from your laptop? You’re good to go with Chrome, Firefox, Safari or Microsoft Edge. There is even an app you can use to access the library.

    You can move through the material as quickly or slowly as you like.

    ** The first full training course will be available according to a release schedule.

  • You will be able to facilitate professional Applied Memory Reconsolidation sessions with coaching clients.

  • We can’t change the past, but we can change how it affects us with the incredible mechanism of memory reconsolidation.

    When you have had experiences that the body perceived as a threat… that memory, and all the information connected to it… gets tagged in the brain as important survival information. Any time your brain sees anything like that… literally or figuratively… it will kick off a stress response to get you ready to survive the event.

    So, here is where this gets exciting…those survival tags… the ones that trigger the body into stress states… can be changed… and even completely removed, so that all that is left is the learning which can now be integrated into our understanding of the world in a different way.

    It’s like it gets recategorized in the database from survival information with that intensity tag… into a completely different category of just something that happened. The experience can become as important as what you ate yesterday or last month. No big deal.

    How powerful would this be for you, or for your clients to be able to release the old negative emotions and beliefs from past experiences?

    This is the power of Applied Memory Reconsolidation™.

  • We guarantee you will find value in this robust training or your money back.

    If in the first 7 days of the Foundations Course, you aren’t blown away by what you are learning… we require you to ask for your money back.

    Just send us an email within 7 days of your purchase for a full refund (minus credit card or financing fees).

  • We’d be happy to answer any questions you still have. Please reach out to and let us know what’s on your mind. We’d love to help!

We can’t wait to see the results you create with your clients.